Minhye Chu lives and works in Leipzig, Germany.
She has long dealt artistically with dramaturgies of constructive processes, on the one hand in film and on the other hand with 3D printing. Her works include videos, installations and sculptures. In many of Minhye Chu’s works, she explores the phenomenon of repetition by experimenting with optical devices and mechanical constructions. Other works deal with the collective production of values through language, images and their material carriers.
- 2022
- Diploma – Media Art, Expanded Cinema Class with Prof. Clemens von Wedemeyer
- Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig Germany
- 2019-2020
- Department of Media Art with Prof. Angela Melitopoulos
- The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Denmark
- 2023
- Project grant (Content development: Bausteine des Wandels) by Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen
- 2022
- Project grant (Concept development: Humus. Made from Mud) by Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen
- Residency grant for graduates by NEUSTART KULTUR #TakeHeart
- 2020/2021
- Studienpreis des HGB-Freundeskreises und der Sparkasse Leipzig
- 2019
- 2nd prize, 1st Verstärker Kunst-Film-Festival Dresden
- Special Mention of the Jury, 16th Short Film Festival Kurzsuechtig Leipzig
- Architecture Film Prize, 25th International Short Film Week Regensburg
- Screenings/Film festivals
- 2022
- 2021
- Blicke, Risse, Geschichte – Kurzfilmprogramm Online, Cinémathèque, Leipzig
- 2019
- 32nd exground filmfest Wiesbaden
- 18th Filmfestival Münster
- 1st Verstärker Kunst-Film-Festival Dresden
- 16th Short Film Festival Kurzsuechtig Leipzig
- 25th International Short Film Week Regensburg
- Exhibitions/Projects
- 2023
- „WIN/WIN“, HALLE 14, Leipzig
- „Expect the Unexpected“, Students Reels, Auditorium, Kunstmuseum Bonn
- „Permutation“, group exhibition, HGB, Leipzig
- 2022
- “DSCH", group exhibition, Gewandhaus, Leipzig
- “Starchitectures”, solo exhibition, FORTUNA – ehemaliges Kino der Jugend, Leipzig
- 2021
- “Trans-Motion”, solo exhibition, FORTUNA – ehemaliges Kino der Jugend, Leipzig
- “Margo, me and more“, group exhibition at HGB gallery, Leipzig
- Pictures for the Human Rights, Regensburg
- 2020
- "4 Wände", group exhibition, gallery Baturina, Leipzig
- "Still Structures", solo exhibition, gallery Q, Copenhagen
- "PULSAR-festival", group exhibition, gallery Q, Copenhagen
- "Verletzbare Subjekte", group exhibition, Zentrum für Aktuelle Kunst, Zitadelle Berlin
- 2019
- "Deformation Complete: Die Freiheit eines Bratenwenders", group exhibition, 48 Stunden Neukölln, Umspannwerk, Berlin
- "Not Here, Not Now – Infected Memories", publication of group exhibition, Kunstverein Leipzig
- "Verletzbare Subjekte – person of no consequence", group exhibition, HGB gallery, Leipzig
- 2018
- Art & Culture, 35C3 – 35th Chaos Communication Congress, Messe, Leipzig
- "Lichtspiele des Westens“, Karl-Heine-Straße, Leipzig
- "Fair grounds", solo exhibition, Helmut, Leipzig
- "Absurdist Film evening", videoscreening, Helmut, Leipzig
- Videoscreening at Leipziger Buchmesse, Leipzig
- "Die Wahrheit, der Spuk und deine Peergroup", group exhibition, HGB, Leipzig
- 2017
- "ID – CULTURAL MEMORY IN THE PRESENT", group exhibition, HGB gallery, Leipzig
- "Spa Politics", group exhibition, HGB, Leipzig
- 2016
- "Die Doppeloptik der Apparate", solo exhibition, HGB, Leipzig
- "OFFENE FRAGEN", group exhibition, HGB, Leipzig
- 2015
- "How to: Divide" group exhibition, KUB, Leipzig
- "FACE to FACE", visitors’ day, Bundesverwaltungsgericht, Leipzig
- "Plattform:[no budget] – Medienfestival #12: Einbruch Aufbruch Ausbruch", Leibnizhaus, Tübingen
- "content f(x) = #045", video installation, HGB, Leipzig
Minhye Chumail(at)minhyechu(punkt)de